How To: Maintain and Troubleshoot Your Autofill System
Congratulations on becoming a proud Tiny Pool owner! Owning a swimming pool can be incredibly rewarding, but it also comes with some responsibilities. One of the essential components of your pool is the optional autofill system, which makes sure your pool remains at the optimal water level.
Check out our video, or read on, to learn more about autofill, and how to keep it running smoothly for years to come!
What is Autofill?
Your pool's autofill system is like a helpful friend that adds water to your pool when it gets too low. It prevents your pool from running dry and keeps everything running smoothly. The overflow system also releases excess water from your pool after a rain event.
The autofill system is connected to your home’s water supply. A float valve, similar to the one found in your toilet tank, controls the water flow. When the pool's water level drops below a certain point, the float valve opens, allowing water to flow into the pool.
Regular Cleaning and Maintenance
Just like you keep your pool clean and your water’s chemistry balanced, you need to take care of the autofill system too. Every month or so (or as needed depending on your pool’s debris load), check to verify that your float valve is operating correctly. Open the autofill lid (next to your skimmer), and clear away any debris, dirt, or sediment.
If your autofill utilizes a Fluidmaster-style valve (pictured below), you can adjust the level of the water by squeezing the clip and sliding the float higher or lower on the guide rod. For additional adjustment, you can also turn the entire valve to raise or lower the height of the float.
Example of Autofill Float Valve
Fluidmaster-style float valves are commonly used in pool autofill systems, and have similar adjustment mechanisms.
Winter Care
If freezing temperatures are forecasted for the area, make sure to winterize your Autofill system to prevent damage from ice. Don’t worry — it’s simple. Just close the valve to turn off the water supply, and open the bleeder valves on the RPZ.
For more detailed information on how to take care of your pool during winter weather, click here to read our post and watch our video.
Troubeshooting Tips
When in doubt, clean it out. Most autofill issues are a result of debris restricting the float valve from sliding freely.
Adjust the valve to get your water to the correct level per the instructions above.
Replace the valve. Just like in your toilet, the valve assembly may wear out over time and might simply need to be replaced.
Monitor your utility bill. Your water bill can give you clues about your autofill system's health. If you notice a sudden increase in water usage, it might mean there's a problem with the autofill. Check it out or ask a pool professional to take a look.
Call a Professional! Sometimes, the autofill system might need a little more TLC than you can give. If you ever feel unsure or face a problem you can't handle, don't hesitate to call your pool maintenance company. They'll know how to diagnose and fix any problems.
Owning a pool is a fantastic adventure, and understanding your autofill system is a vital part of that journey. With a little care and attention, your pool will be a source of joy and relaxation for years to come. Enjoy your Tiny Pool, and happy swimming!