Splash Into Fall: Maintenance Tips for your Tiny Pool

As the days grow shorter and the air starts to chill in many parts of the country, Austin enjoys a unique advantage - our warm weather often extends the swimming season well into the fall.

For Tiny Pool owners in Austin, this seasonal shift brings with it the need to prepare for the cooler months ahead while still making the most of your year-round pool. Here are some essential tips to help you with this transition:

Adjust Water Chemistry

Before cranking up that heater for fall swimming, test your water chemistry. Ensure that the chlorine, pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels are within the recommended range and adjust as necessary. And if you don’t know what any of this means, please hire a professional to take care of it for you!

Test your heater

It’s unlikely that you used your heater much during our brutal summer, but it will be heater season before you know it! Crank it up for a couple of minutes to ensure that it’s working properly. If you have any concerns, consult your Owners Guide or reach out to your maintenance company.

Keep it Clean

There’s nothing better than a clean pool! Skim the surface, vacuum the pool floor, and brush the walls and tiles to remove any debris, algae, or dirt. A clean pool will enhance your swimming experience year-round.

Monitor Your Water Level

Maybe we’ll get some rain soon! Monitor and adjust the water level in your pool as needed, keeping in mind Austin's occasional rainfall and evaporation. Maintaining proper water levels ensures optimal pool operation and water conservation.

Be Prepared For A Freeze

Be prepared for sudden drops in temperature! If freezing temperatures are expected, be sure you know how to properly winterize your pool equipment, such as the pump, filter, and heater. Click here to read our in-depth post on this topic.

Cover Your Pool

If you installed a cover with your Tiny Pool, it not only keeps leaves, debris, and animals out but also helps to retain heat and reduce water evaporation during the fall.

By following these tips, Tiny Pool owners can make the most of their extended swimming season while ensuring that their pool remains in excellent condition throughout the fall and beyond. Whether you choose to enjoy your pool year-round or give it a break during the cooler months, proper maintenance will ensure that you can dive into crystal-clear waters whenever you desire.


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