Use your pool all year: Heating Your Tiny Pool
Did you know that the majority of our owners choose to heat their Tiny Pool?
Perhaps a heated pool used to have the stigma of a big price tag and shivering on the side for hours while you waited for it to heat up. Never fear – heating a Tiny Pool is a much more economical option because of their smaller size, and you get the combo of a hot tub and pool, or a “spool.” We all know that Texas winters can be mercurial, with it 85 degrees one day and dropping to a high of 30 the next. A pool heater for your entire pool can help make your new investment – your Tiny Pool! – something you use all year long.
We’ve pulled together data from several of our Tiny owners who have a heated pool to learn how warm they like it, how long it takes to heat, and how much does it REALLY cost to keep it toasty? Keep in mind that if your home has natural gas you will see less expense in keeping your pool heated. Heating with electric only is still very doable, but comes with a little more of a price tag. The stats below all reflect natural gas pools, but keep reading as towards the end we have information on electrical only.
What’s the average temperature most people want to heat their pool to?
This is a personal preference, but typically adults like a pool heated to 90-100 degrees, but for kiddos 85-90 seems to be plenty warm. Kids are usually moving around a lot more during their swim sessions (we don’t have to tell you that!), but if you are using the pool mainly for relaxation, you will likely want it warmer.
How long does a gas heater take to warm up my Tiny Pool?
You can expect your natural gas-heated pool to warm about 10 degrees/hour. So if you want it to go from 70 – 90 degrees, you’re only waiting about 2 hours. If your pool is automated, you can get this process started even when you aren’t at home by the tap of an app on your smartphone!
How much does it cost to heat my pool during the winter?
You’re looking at spending an additional $6-$10 per day that your heater is running.
Does a cover help keep a pool warm?
Definitely! Our sliding deck covers help trap in the heat, meaning you don’t have to wait as long for it to warm up and it will stay warmer longer, all without your heater working as hard.
If an electric heater is the route you’re going, here’s some info.:
Electric heaters are still great, but are not as efficient at warming a pool in very cold temperatures.
An electric heater draws in air from the environment so when the temperature goes much below 40 degrees, their efficiency (time to heat and energy used to heat) goes down. They also take longer to heat even when it’s not that cold; heating a tiny pool from say 70 up to 90 degrees can take up to 24 hours. Still very doable, you just have to plan a little ahead for when you want to be ready to jump in to a warmer pool!
Because electric heaters have to work a littler harder, they cost more on your electric bill.
During a Texas “winter,” you should expect to spend at least $40-$50 more each month that you are regularly heating your pool with electric. If you keep it heated every day, that amount will of course go up.
Our owners have said it best in that a heater makes a Tiny Pool something you can use 365 days a year, meaning your family can be home spending time together and entertaining friends, all while relaxing in your new addition.
“The heater extends our swim season to year-round. We love relaxing in our Texas Tiny Pool on weekend nights with the fire pit nearby and a drink in hand.”